Wednesday, January 25, 2017


25 yearbook musts-
1. life of the school
2. title 
3. dance & cheer 
4. sports
5. clubs
6. theater 
7. senior class
8. "Best"& "Most likely" categories 
9. junior class 
10. sophomore class
11. faculty & adminisstration 
12. ads
13. index
14. alumni association 
15. congratulations section 
16. band
17. orchestra
18. art
19. choir 
20. homecoming 
21. community service
22. table of contents 
23. what students do for fun
24. traditions 
25. school spirit 

About Prime 2003
1. Prime 2003
2. Mirabeau B. Lamar High School
3. catchy titles 
4. 6 sections
5. "superlatives" section
6. yes, there is an index
7. yes, there are group photos
8. yes, there is a table of contents 
9. 3203 students
10. Texas






Monday, January 9, 2017

Phobia Project

A. What is a phobia?
   an extremely strong dislike or fear of someone of something

B. List and define 5 phobias from The Phobia List:
     Alektorophobia- fear of chickens
     Anglophobia- fear of England or English culture, etc.
     Ichthyophobia- fear of fish
     Logophobia- fear of words
     Zemmiphobia- fear of the great mole rat

C. Brainstorm on your blog possible ideas for a phobia shoot:
1. For the fear of insectophobia (fear of insects) I would chose someone with the fear to make the photograph look realistic. In the image the person with the fear of insects would be either inside the house or outside. The scenario of being inside the person would have a scared expression of their face and them equating son a chair, so they are away from the bug. The scenario of being outside the person would have a squeamish face while holding the insect.
2. For the fear of cynophobia (fear of dogs or rabies) I would have both a person and a dog, or several dogs, to make the photograph explain the story. There are two scenarios that can be used. The first scenario would be a person who jumped on the couch trying to get away form the two dogs sitting in front of them. In the second scenario I would have my two dogs chasing a person with a feared expression on their face running away from the dogs.
3. For the fear of automysophbia (fear of being dirty) I would have someone with dirt covered all over them or just on the hand. In both these scenarios I would have the person having a disgusted or feared fave while looking at the dirt on them. With the photograph with the person with just the dirty hand they would hold their hand as far away from themselves as possible. With the person covered in dirt they would have a disgusted face while outside.

D. What photo techniques can you use to highlight your images?
    Point of View

Wednesday, January 4, 2017



This image is one of my favorite photographs of 2016 because of the statement the image is getting across. This burning of the soon to be traded elephant tusk is showing that they should not be traded and that elephants should be respected.

This image is one of my favorite photographs of 2016 because of the clarity and the reflection into the water. I love the colors and the animal that this photograph shows.

This image is one of my favorite photographs of 2016 because of the action in it and the reaction on the fans faces. This image gives the viewers a laugh, it is an entertaining photograph.


1. One of my favorite songs of 2016 is Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots. Stressed Out was one of the top ten songs of 2016, most people enjoyed it. Stressed Out became so famous because it was new and different. I believe Twenty One Pilots blew up in popularity in 2016 because of all the new songs that played on the radio all the time and people talked about them all the times, they went on tour and released several songs.

2. One of my favorite movies of 2016 is Star Wars: Rogue One. I loved this movie because love the the George Lucas movie series Star Wars. This new movie had lots of acton and explained the original Star Wars, it went in depth of the story behind it. I believe this movie was a big hit because of the the fact that it was one of the famous "Star War" films which most of the worlds population  know and hopefully love like I do.

3. One of the most widely talked about and important news stories of 2016 was the Presidential Election. I believe this news was the most important because this was the fate of our country. This election was played both correctly and dirty, by both the presidential candidates. Me personally, am glad about the turnout of our presidential elect Donald Trump, while most of Austin Texas is not. This election news story brought the people of society to panic and some times turn against each other.

4. In my opinion the most important person of 2016 was Donald Trump. I believe this because he is our new President Elect and is about the be the president of our country. The people of the world have created many different opinions about Trump and assume different things about this man that are and are not true. I would expect Donald Trump to be the most talked about person in 2016 because he is a vey important man that a lot people do not trust and believe he is not the right leader for this country. I am one of the people who try to defend Donald Trump and say good things about him  to support him while others do not.

5. The biggest sporting event of 2016 was the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro. I believe this was the most popular because it is a world wide event that have the best athletes of the world. These 2016 summer olympics held in Rio are very important because it determines who has the best of the best athletes and who are the best of the best athletes. I believe that this event should have been the most talked about in the world like it was.


1. One thing that I will remember one the break was eating together with all my family at my grandparents house in Jacksonville Texas. At the house there were fourteen people plus a dog, this was the first time we were all together for Christmas in a long time.

2. My resolutions for 2017 is not procrastinate and become a better family member and friend.

3. In 2017 I am looking forward to track tryouts and summer.
