Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Geese are crowding the free range open farm enclosure in Kuhhorst, Germany. These birds have been ordered for special occasions throughout the year. 

This guy has got his eye on the pies for the World Pie Competition. John Young, apart of the World Pie Competition jury, was judging scotch pies in the competition in Dunfermline, Scotland. 

1. Rule Of Thirds- the placing of the subject of a photo in the third region of a photograph  
2. Balancing Elements- this is where the subjects are balanced out equally 
3. Leading Lines-there are lines in a photograph that captures the eye and leads them longer 
4. Symmetry & Patterns-there is symmetry(same thing) or multiple of the same features in a photo
5. Viewpoint- the angle of the photograph is different; birds eye view 
6. Background-making a background of a photo simple so it doesn't take away from the subject
7. Create Depth-leading the eye look beyond and creating depth
8. Framing-where a photograph is framed by a surrounding feature 
9. Cropping-where the background of a photograph is blurred 
10. Mergers & Avoiding Mergers-cutting out parts of the subject and to avoid that

Aperture- the opening size of a camera lens that controls the amount of light entering the camera
Shutter Speed- the speed of the lens capturing a photograph, also controls amount of light let in
ISO- a cameras sensitivity to light

Ethics of Photoshop- While working with photoshop there is mainly unethical adjustments to make like the change of a body size, and or the complete change of somebodies skin color, but one ethical thing is to give somebodies skin a light "glow".

Self Portrait- this is a portrait of yourself taken by yourself
Casual Portrait- this is a portrait taken of somebody else
Environmental Portrait- this is a portrait taken of somebody in a place that describes them, in their comfort zone

Exposure- The exposure of a photo, controlled by aperture, creates the cameras environment to adjust to light and distance
Depth of Field- The depth of field in a photo, caused by aperture, is the control of a backgrounds focus
Focal Length- Focal length of a camera is the distance from the glass to the place of focus

Early- magazine covers that were usually illustrated(drawn) images
Poster- magazine cover with just a photograph
Forest of Words- magazine where the words cover the photograph and are the most important part
Married to Type- magazine cover where the picture and words work together and don't overlap

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

5 of 100

1. I chose this image because of the setting of outer space and that this image is one of a kind an interesting, because the photo shows the first men on the moon. The reflection in the astronauts helmet and the setting caught my eye.
2. This photograph taken by Neil Armstrong was of Buzz Aldrin as he stood on the moon on July 20, 1969. The image is one of Aldrin standing awkwardly on the moon glancing at his checklist on his wrist.
3. I read that Buzz Aldrin was the second man on the moon but really didn't care to be the first because he "earned a different kind of immortality" then Armstrong, the first man on the moon. Although Aldrin didn't have the glory of being the first he had the glory of having his picture taken on the moon.
5. Neil A. Armstrong
    Wapakoneta, Ohio, United States
    Purdue University & University of Southern California & more

1. I chose this image because of the excitement and victory on the photograph. The crowds reaction as well as Mohammad Ali's reaction caught my eye.
2. This image taken by Neil Leifer was known as the greatest sports photograph of the century, which was a photograph of Muhammad Ali as he taunted Sonny Liston. To get this amazing photograph, Leifer had to be in the perfect spot and get his timing just right, which he accomplished.
3. In this video I learned that this video was taken during the civil rights movement, and that he joined the black-muslim section and that he had changed his name. People couldn't believe that Ali had defeated Sonny.
5. Neil Leifer
   New York City, Untied States
   Henry Street Settlement

1. I chose this image because I wanted to learn the story behind it, and the fact that there was a man falling caught my eye.
2. This photograph taken by Richard Drew in was a image of man falling off a building while it was collapsing on 9/11. The falling man was not identified but was known to be in a collapsing building.
3. While Drew was watching the building collapse he noticed that people were falling out of the building, he started to take photographs of the people falling. The "Falling Man" image became a nation wide sensation.
5. Richard Drew
    New York City, Untied States

1. I chose this image because I wanted to learn the background of the image, and the two people kissing in the photograph caught my eye.
2. This photograph taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt in 1945 was a photograph that was taken of a sailor who grabbed a nurse, tilted her back, and just kissed her.
3. Alfred Eisenstaedt, the photographer, along with 4 other photographer were hired by LIFE magazine "to find and catch the storytelling moment". I believe Alfred did a great job of capturing the prompt by capturing a image that tells a powerful, exciting story.
5. Alfred Eisenstaedts
    Dirschau, Wesrt Prussia, Imperial Germany
    Columbia University

1. I chose this image because I wanted to learn what the men were doing and because of the excitement of the photo and the faces of the subjects of the photo, that is what caught my eye.
2. The photograph, "The Pillow Fight",was taken by Harry Benson in 1964 is of the Beatles having a pillow fight in "the swanky George V Hotel".
3. In the video I learned that at first, Benson did not want to work with the Beatles, but after he went to their concert he had a great desire to work with them. One night when the Beatles were given great news they began to have a pillow fight and Benson just began to take photographs and captured a very dramatic photo.
5. Harry Benson
    Glasgow, United Kingdon

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


1.  VIDEO #1: Photoshop Face Changes:
-eyes were made bigger
-lips were made bigger
-neck was made longer & slimmer 
-forehead was made more oval
-shrinks head

2. VIDEO #2: Photoshop Body Changes:
-skin tone made lighter 
-made neck longer
-made shoulders higher 
-slimed stomach & breast 
-slimmed legs
-made feet smaller 
-made legs longer
-made arms longer 

3. VIDEO #3: Photoshop General Changes: 
-gave more hair with more volume
-took off body fat (made model skinny)
-slimmed arms, legs, & stomach 
-made breast bigger 
-changed skin tone
-smoothed out skin

4.  It is not ethical acceptable to change a persons appearance. In these videos they made drastic changes to the models, which is unacceptable. It is unacceptable because these videos are making the women totally different people, somebodies appearance doesn't define them, this may make people feel like they are not good enough or pretty enough. 

5. It is even more unethical to photoshop bodies when doing advertisements. I believe it is more unethical when selling items because the business is showing false advertisements and changing the models appearance for money. The sellers are lying to the buyers, or the people. 

6. I believe there are only some ethical changes to make in photoshop on bodies. It is ethical maybe to give a model a lighter skin tone maybe to give the model a "glow" or add mak-up to cover a mixed skin tone or blemishes, but this is all.

7. In fashion photography most of the time the subject of the photograph is trying to advertise with beauty models. Fashion photography is of models and beauty. In photojournalism the subject of the photography is not always models, and is usually not trying to sell something. Ans photojournalist write about news, or just simple photography. 

8. Reality isn't "perfect". the fact that people use photoshop to make something look better protest his fact,  this shows us ethically it is wrong, and that everything is not what we want it to be.

9. I believe that you are showing us these videos so we understand what is unethical and unacceptable aspects in photoshop and so we understand the different parts of fashion photography. I also believe that you are trying to show us that advertisement is not always true, we can't trust what we see.

10. None of these videos were of men because in present day women are considered the "sexy" ones and are more self-contious about their bodies. Because a lot of the women population are uncomfortable wth their bodies, these images are falsely advertising what they could be.

Monday, November 14, 2016


Photography Resolutions for 2016-

-The website blog "10 Photography Resolutions for the New Year" is a blog that talks about Jenna Martin's goals for the new year. These goals for the new year are photography goals like getting her photographs published, being organized, taking and using critiques, developing in photography, being open to new or other techniques, and more.
-I learned to be open to new ideas and critiques in photography and to create goals for photography.
a. I chose this photograph because the image is clear, of nature, and appealing to the eye.
b. Rules of photography the photographer used were merger, cropping, and leading lines.
c. Jenna Martin took this photograph.

Spiral Staircases-

- The website blog "The Disorienting Beauty of Spiral Staircases in Old Abandoned Buildings" is a blog that shows that spiral staircases can be art. The author of this blog tells us that he goes around the country to find this unique and beautiful "Abandoned Staircases".
- I learned that you can make anything including staircases unique and beautiful art.
a. I chose this photograph because the "Abandoned Staircase" looks like a painted picture with many different textures and colors with depth.
b. Rules of photography the photographer used were creating depth, lines, leading lines, and viewpoint.
c. Christian Richter took this photograph.

Great Portraits-

- The website blog "7 Tips to Shooting Great Portrait Photographs" is a bog that talks about portrait. Tips that were given were "breaking rules of photography", not having the subject of the image look at the camera, having the subject in its comfort zone where it can be itself, and more.
- I learned that by having the model in its comfort zone the model would feel natural and be itself instead of posed.
 a. I chose this photograph because the photographer used the tip of the subject not looking at the camera but at the berry.
b. Rules of photography the photographer used were simplicity and cropping.
c. Rajib Mukherjee took this photograph.

The Oldest Living Things in the World-

- The website blog "The Oldest Living Things In The World" talked about how old living things can be considered art and/or science. These images show interesting, unique, old, living organisms that can be preserved as art.
- I learned that you can make old, interesting things look like a beautiful piece of art.

a. I chose this photograph because of the uniqueness and beauty of the trees.
b. Rules of photograph used were simplicity, merger, and lines.
c. Rachel Sussman took the photograph.

Killer Time-lapse-

-The website bog "What makes a Killer Time-lapse, with Joe Capra" is a blog and video that talk about how to get a killer time-lapse. The blog author talked about getting a killer time-lapses by you must think about good places to get them, how to get them, why do people like them, and much more.
-I learned that to get a "killer time-lapse" you have to think where an interesting place to get one would be like, Iceland.
a. In the video I saw the different parts of Brazil through time (a day & night).
b. Joe Capra made the timelapse video.
c. There wasn't really a story behind the video, except that it was taken in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
d. I learned that you several places would create a cool time-lapse, like your backyard.

Monday, November 7, 2016


1. Image Based- The style of "image based" magazine covers are usually the most popular cover. This style is where the subject of the image is very clear, it relates to the subject of the magazine, and the image is a photograph. The subject of this type of cover maybe an object or most commonly a person.

2. Illustration Based- The style of "illustration based" magazine covers is very similar to the "image based" cover. The difference between the two popular cover styles is that this style of "illustration" uses drawings, or computer animated. This type of cover is usually used in a comics, children magazines or smaller magazines.

3. Type Based- The style of "typed based" magazine covers is that the cover page is just mainly text.  The title and subject in text are typed out, which takes up the whole cover page. Sometimes in this style of cover page there may be a small image in the corner to add some detail, but the text usually takes up the whole page.

4. Concept Based- The style of "concept based" magazine covers are a mixture between all three styles of covers. This is a cover that wants to send a strong message in different ways, such as pictures, illustrations, and bold text. These magazine cover styles are usually found in cooking magazines, weekly news magazines, and celebrity magazines.

The relationship between words and pictures on magazine covers is that they both have to get the message of the magazine across. They need to connect to each other to make the message clear and for the whole magazine to make since. One example of a bad magazine cover is a puppy on the cover of a food magazine, one example of a good magazine is a gymnast on a gymnastics magazine.


The New York Times Magazine, May19, The Secret Lives of Germs
"This cover story by Michael Pollen argues the while we have been obsessed with eradicating germs, there are health advantages to being exposed the them. The cover shot by Hannah Whitaker of a baby being licked by a dog makes graphic the prevalence of germs in our everyday lives."

I believe this cover page "The Secret Lives of Germs" by The New York Times is an appealing cover to the public, and is more effective to people with children and pets. This is an appealing cover because of the happy and sweet feelings the baby and dog give you. I also believe that the fact that the magazines' title is "Germs" will grab the attention of parents with the worries of children getting sick and maybe germ-a-folks because they see a child and a dog with the word "germ". By looking at the cover people may want to know more about the connection between pets, kids, and germs. Also the quality of the photograph is clear, the lighting is on point, the setting is simple, and the subject of the image is obvious, so all around this is a great photograph. Therefore, I believe that this is an effective, interesting, and appealing magazine cover. 


1. New York, May 20, Michael Douglas Is Liberace- formal
2. Bloomberg Businessweek, December 2–8, J Crew: Teaching the World to Dress American- informal 
3. The New York Times Magazine, May 19, The Secret Lives of Germs- informal
4. Sports Illustrated, April 22, BOSTON- environmental 
5. ESPN The Magazine, September 16, Floyd Mayweather in The Fight Issue- informal
6. The New York Times Magazine, November 24, The Flight Risk- informal 
7. Runner's World, December, Get Fit Have Fun- informal
8. O, The Oprah Magazine, September, Hair!- formal 
9. Brides, October/November, Get Inspired!- formal 
10.W, December/January, The Art Issue- formal 
11.Harper's Bazaar, May, Summer Fashion Issue- formal 
12.New York, February 18–25, Spring Fashion- formal
13.The Fader, February/March, Solange- informal
14.The Chronicle Review, May 24, Scholars in Bondage- informal
15.Vanity Fair, October, 100 Years- formal
16.ESPN The Magazine, July 22, Kenneth Faried in The Body Issue- environmental 
17.GQ, February, Beyoncé- formal


1. Make sure the cover is fast, easy, and efficient to scan.

2. Make sure the cover is worth the money and time, the cover must be perfect and efficient. 

3. Make sure the cover is interesting and intriguing to the public.

4. Make sure the images are appealing and give people emotion. 

5. Make sure the people know what you are trying to sell, get the point across. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Self Portraits and Portraits Part 1

1. By altering the photographs prospective or angle you can give the image a "wow factor" and create something unique and different.
2. By framing your subject with another element in a photograph you will draw attention to the subject, this will make the subject pop or stand out.


I chose this photograph for environmental portrait because
it shows the man in his work place, him in his natural
habitat or environment,the setting/background of the image
shows all of this.

I chose this photograph for environmental portrait because
it shows the women in her happy place, or environment,
this is all shown through the setting of an art studio an her


I chose this image for self-portrait because of the clarity,
creativity, and color. All these factors and the expression
she has on her face tells a story.

I chose this photograph for self-portrait because it shows
us the emotion he is feeling, by the expression on his
face, and the simplicity of the image gives the shot character.


I chose this photograph for casual portrait because of
how the girl, or subject of the image, pops, and how the
photographer used the rule of cropping and rule of thirds.

I chose this photograph for casual portrait because of
how again the women is the focus point of the shot and
because of the clarity of the image.

For my portrait shoot I plan to have a variety of setting so I can have different options and subjects of the photographs. Some ideas for the setting is in Disney World, my favorite place on Earth, in front of Cinderella's Castle or by the lake. I also might take the photo shoot in National Elite Gymnastics of gymnast or my little sister messing around in the reck gym. One other setting I have in mind is in nature, I could take my sister out in trees and create some interesting images. To be successful while taking these photographs I must pay attention to he settings of the camera, check if they are set properly, and I could use rules of composition to create more interesting photographs.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

American Soldier

A.  I believe the most powerful image printed by the Denver Post was "Down and Dirty". The photograph was taken in his tent and it was of Fisher praying to God to take all of his pains and worries away.

B. These pictures all together tell a story by showing all the ups and downs Fisher had as he experienced his time as a soldier and what he went through at home with his family and in the military.

C. The captions enhance these photographs by helping the readers understand what is going on in the images and is adding a summary or story of whats going on in the image and the background information. 

D. Ian Fisher, a 17 years old, was a man who wished to join the military. After Ian was recruited he faced many physical and mental consequences for his actions from fellow soldiers, but his patriotism kept him going. Because of Ian's injured elbow he had repeat training and Ian needed to focus more on military or his dream of his fighting dream would be gone. After many challenges through life he fought for his country in Iraq, which his mother was very proud, and married his girlfriend Devin when he returned to his home.

E. If Ian was the main subject of a photograph the caption was usually in present tense.

F. Captions-
1. The captions averaged out to about 2 sentences for each photograph.
2. The first sentence of the captions are telling us what is going on in the photograph.
3. The second sentence is telling the background of the image.
4. The third sentence is telling us what occurred after the photograph was taken or maybe a quote.
5. Several of the cations include quotes.
6. Some of the photographs have 4 sentences for the cation.

G. I believe you can tell a story by only using photographs and cations because a picture is worth a thousand words by showing emotion and action while the caption tells background information needed to fully understanding the image.

H. If I were to create a story only using photographs and captions it would be about my years of school and education.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Rules of Photography Part 2


1. Rule of Thirds:

2. Balancing Elements: 

3. Leading Lines: 

4. Symmetry & Patterns (repetition):

5. Viewpoint: 

6. Simplicity/Background: 

7. Create Depth:

8. Framing:

9. Cropping:

10. Merger:

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Funny Old People #1-

In the image above, Frank, a 68 year old man and the
dancer in the middle, is dancing away in the park
with people following, admiring him as he dances,
and are dancing with him. Frank is reliving his
glory days as a tap performer and is dancing to
bring people and himself joy and laughter.

Funny Old People #2-
In the image above, George, a 84 year old man, is 
making a funny face to make his granddaughter 
laugh. This photograph of George making a funny 
face was taken by his daughter of him in the church

Funny Old People #3-

In the image above, Billy and Sheryl are racing for
the finish line at the elderly electric chair race. This
image was taken right before Sheryl pulled ahead
for first place.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Prompt Shoot #2






1.When looking through these images I felt happy at first and then the pictures became more and more depressing as you scrolled.

2. After looking at the images, I believe the quote "These photographs do not define us, but they are us." means that these pictures of the people are just showing us what they went through and how it looked, but the photographer says that they don't define them. Maybe the photographer and his wife were happy and loving even though the images don't say that.

3. If I was in the photographers situation I believe I would be able to capture the same images except it would be very hard for me to watch and go through.

4. If I could write Angelo a letter I would say to him I am sorry for his loss but you are a brave man for capturing their love and beauty as her spirits went down. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016
