Photography Resolutions for 2016-
-The website blog "10 Photography Resolutions for the New Year" is a blog that talks about Jenna Martin's goals for the new year. These goals for the new year are photography goals like getting her photographs published, being organized, taking and using critiques, developing in photography, being open to new or other techniques, and more.
-I learned to be open to new ideas and critiques in photography and to create goals for photography.
a. I chose this photograph because the image is clear, of nature, and appealing to the eye.
b. Rules of photography the photographer used were merger, cropping, and leading lines.
c. Jenna Martin took this photograph.
Spiral Staircases-
- The website blog "The Disorienting Beauty of Spiral Staircases in Old Abandoned Buildings" is a blog that shows that spiral staircases can be art. The author of this blog tells us that he goes around the country to find this unique and beautiful "Abandoned Staircases".
- I learned that you can make anything including staircases unique and beautiful art.
a. I chose this photograph because the "Abandoned Staircase" looks like a painted picture with many different textures and colors with depth.
b. Rules of photography the photographer used were creating depth, lines, leading lines, and viewpoint.
c. Christian Richter took this photograph.
Great Portraits-
- The website blog "7 Tips to Shooting Great Portrait Photographs" is a bog that talks about portrait. Tips that were given were "breaking rules of photography", not having the subject of the image look at the camera, having the subject in its comfort zone where it can be itself, and more.
- I learned that by having the model in its comfort zone the model would feel natural and be itself instead of posed.
a. I chose this photograph because the photographer used the tip of the subject not looking at the camera but at the berry.
b. Rules of photography the photographer used were simplicity and cropping.
c. Rajib Mukherjee took this photograph.
The Oldest Living Things in the World-
- The website blog "The Oldest Living Things In The World" talked about how old living things can be considered art and/or science. These images show interesting, unique, old, living organisms that can be preserved as art.
- I learned that you can make old, interesting things look like a beautiful piece of art.
a. I chose this photograph because of the uniqueness and beauty of the trees.
b. Rules of photograph used were simplicity, merger, and lines.
c. Rachel Sussman took the photograph.
Killer Time-lapse-
-The website bog "What makes a Killer Time-lapse, with Joe Capra" is a blog and video that talk about how to get a killer time-lapse. The blog author talked about getting a killer time-lapses by you must think about good places to get them, how to get them, why do people like them, and much more.
-I learned that to get a "killer time-lapse" you have to think where an interesting place to get one would be like, Iceland.
a. In the video I saw the different parts of Brazil through time (a day & night).
b. Joe Capra made the timelapse video.
c. There wasn't really a story behind the video, except that it was taken in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
d. I learned that you several places would create a cool time-lapse, like your backyard.
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