1. I chose this image because of the setting of outer space and that this image is one of a kind an interesting, because the photo shows the first men on the moon. The reflection in the astronauts helmet and the setting caught my eye.
2. This photograph taken by Neil Armstrong was of Buzz Aldrin as he stood on the moon on July 20, 1969. The image is one of Aldrin standing awkwardly on the moon glancing at his checklist on his wrist.
3. I read that Buzz Aldrin was the second man on the moon but really didn't care to be the first because he "earned a different kind of immortality" then Armstrong, the first man on the moon. Although Aldrin didn't have the glory of being the first he had the glory of having his picture taken on the moon.

5. Neil A. Armstrong
Wapakoneta, Ohio, United States
Purdue University & University of Southern California & more
1. I chose this image because of the excitement and victory on the photograph. The crowds reaction as well as Mohammad Ali's reaction caught my eye.
2. This image taken by Neil Leifer was known as the greatest sports photograph of the century, which was a photograph of Muhammad Ali as he taunted Sonny Liston. To get this amazing photograph, Leifer had to be in the perfect spot and get his timing just right, which he accomplished.
3. In this video I learned that this video was taken during the civil rights movement, and that he joined the black-muslim section and that he had changed his name. People couldn't believe that Ali had defeated Sonny.

5. Neil Leifer
New York City, Untied States
Henry Street Settlement
1. I chose this image because I wanted to learn the story behind it, and the fact that there was a man falling caught my eye.
2. This photograph taken by Richard Drew in was a image of man falling off a building while it was collapsing on 9/11. The falling man was not identified but was known to be in a collapsing building.
3. While Drew was watching the building collapse he noticed that people were falling out of the building, he started to take photographs of the people falling. The "Falling Man" image became a nation wide sensation.

5. Richard Drew
New York City, Untied States
1. I chose this image because I wanted to learn the background of the image, and the two people kissing in the photograph caught my eye.
2. This photograph taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt in 1945 was a photograph that was taken of a sailor who grabbed a nurse, tilted her back, and just kissed her.
3. Alfred Eisenstaedt, the photographer, along with 4 other photographer were hired by LIFE magazine "to find and catch the storytelling moment". I believe Alfred did a great job of capturing the prompt by capturing a image that tells a powerful, exciting story.

5. Alfred Eisenstaedts
Dirschau, Wesrt Prussia, Imperial Germany
Columbia University
1. I chose this image because I wanted to learn what the men were doing and because of the excitement of the photo and the faces of the subjects of the photo, that is what caught my eye.
2. The photograph, "The Pillow Fight",was taken by Harry Benson in 1964 is of the Beatles having a pillow fight in "the swanky George V Hotel".
3. In the video I learned that at first, Benson did not want to work with the Beatles, but after he went to their concert he had a great desire to work with them. One night when the Beatles were given great news they began to have a pillow fight and Benson just began to take photographs and captured a very dramatic photo.

5. Harry Benson
Glasgow, United Kingdon